SOLE BLOC 2018 is fast approaching and in 6 weeks time we'll be taking over SWG3 in Glasgow for two days. The event will showcase some of the biggest private sneaker sellers and retailers from across the UK, who will set up at the venue to sell & trade sneakers & more, many of which you wouldn’t see in your average high street store.
Undoubtedly, it’s a Glasgow event, but is now popular across Scotland as a whole & with many people travelling from all over the UK & beyond it looks set to be the best yet. SOLE BLOC kicks off from midday on the 23rd June (11am for those with V.I.P passes) and tickets can be purchased exclusively on the SOLE BLOC website.
Event goers will be treated to live music & DJs across the duration of the day as well feast on the finest street food the city has to offer plus coffee supplied by All Press London.
On the Sunday will be SOLE BLOC BBQ, this will be a strictly over 18 event to wind down the weekend festivities, the Galvanisers will be set up as a huge beer hall with BBQ & Street Food and quality beers supplied by SWG3.
Throughout the day there will be various events competitions and lots more.
Here's a throwback to the previous events at SWG3. We look forward to seeing you in June!